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Imposter Syndrome = Avoidance Behaviors

Writer's picture: Travis ParryTravis Parry

Updated: Apr 13, 2022

Do you find yourself avoiding those activities that are highest priority and instead spend valuable time on less productive tasks outside of your Work Sweetspot?

It is easy to be distracted by client questions, news, social media, email, etc and avoid staying focused on higher priority activities and it is not always because you struggle with focus.

Instead, it may be that you are not coping well with the subconscious fear of being found out as an Imposter.

It's possible that Imposter Syndrome has something to do with it.

Imposter Syndrome refers to a tendency that although you may have education, training, and experience as a #financialadvisor subconscious doubts, fears, and anxiety may keep you from thinking you are doing a great job.

This will deter you from doing your best work and being productive and keep you from #achievingbalance

Regardless of age, experience, or specialty many advisors I coach deal with this fear

(I wrote an entire chapter on fears in my book )

...and this video will help you to cope with it.

The short answer is to go to your values and your goals!


So for today's tip, I'm going to talk about something more on the psychological side that I think is very helpful to advisors, that really has helped me and that is the idea that we all kind of can suffer from imposter syndrome from time to time.

Imposter Syndrome is when someone really is showing up and trying to fool other people right into believing that they are something that they're not.

Now a true imposter, actually kind of reminds me of that old musical The Music Man, do you remember that old movie where he's, he's talked, you know, he comes into town and he swindles.

Everybody that tries to make them think that he can somehow teach their kids music, and they need a band, and it gets them all sold on this idea. And he basically is a salesperson that leaves town or is on his way out of town, he's done this several times. He does change his ways. He has a change of heart, and there's some reconciliation. So that's a good story.

Now, when you have values, you want to rely on those values. Otherwise, what happens is the imposter syndrome can turn into avoidance behaviors, because you're afraid, because you're afraid of standing on stage writing a book or being in front of that big client, or whatever fear it might be at your own business, or even in your personal life in achieving those goals you have set.

So with solid goals, sometimes comes those sort of thoughts of, am I really doing this am I really who I say I am, when those thoughts come up, again, you kind of have two choices, some people put off those big things of meeting with that big client preparing for that proposal, and getting that plan in place, you know, meeting with a business partner, whatever it is, and they kind of fill their schedule.

With things that aren't as important, they jump to those things that are below their, their sweet spot activities, those top three to five, and they do things that are quite as important because they're afraid.

And some of that fear can come from that imposter syndrome. So avoid those avoidance behaviors. And here's what I suggest you do.

One is I suggest anytime that you feel, feel those imposter syndrome type emotions or those you think those thoughts, not really this great or whatever, I want you to go to your values.

And I want you to simply recite something from your values that connects you to the person that you know you are, that way This will help you. So for me, if it's something in business, somebody sent me a bad review, or somebody had a problem, I'm going to fix it.

But first I'm gonna take care of the emotional things, and I'm going to take care of my thoughts, and I'm mine myself, I'm honest, I'm successful, I'm helpful. Those are my three business values. And if I can keep saying that to myself, then the next thing I will do is I will stay in those top three to five activities and not go to those avoidance behaviors, to help soothe myself to help, you know, delay, the the the inevitable. I'm going to work on it.

I've been on lots of stages. I'm writing this book, and it's getting published this month. And with that, there comes a lot of fear, right?

The imposter syndrome, like if I don't have my office perfect, I'm not balancing my ideal calendar, there becomes that imposter syndrome comes right up to my mind.

So in your practices and your businesses, hope you apply this hope you take it away.

What are those avoidance behaviors that you typically find yourself in?

Live Life on Purpose,

If you want to get some help getting past this Imposter Syndrome or anywhere else you are stuck, feel free to schedule a Make Time Discovery Call (valued at $500) with a member of our team today!

If you haven't already make sure you have download the free pdf



© 2024 Travis Parry​                                                     Live Life on Purpose

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